Wednesday, May 2, 2012

{This Summer}

As this semester wraps up I find myself getting more and more excited. There are so many things I want to do with my summer. 

 I want to..

. I want to

I am just itching to open my etsy shop! I want to make my shop products like NOW I am so excited. I can't wait to go out and shop for everything. I'm am counting down the days....

And pinterest! Oh God, sweet addict-able pinterest. I want to make everything. Must stop pinning!!!


Needless to say, I AM TOO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL TO BE OVER and finals done with. 
What do my faithful and awesome {might I add} followers plan to do this summer?


  1. Love Summer Time! It's my favorite!!
    I am planning to float on a pool noodle in the ocean all summer long! Woo!! except for when I get to go back to Texas for 2 weeks in July. EXTRA woooooo!

    1. Awe wow that sound like pure heaven! I hope you have a ton of fun soakin up that sun! :)

    2. Awe wow that sound like pure heaven! I hope you have a ton of fun soakin up that sun! :)

  2. An Etsy shop!? Exciting! What kinds of items do you want to sell?

    1. Many baby items (hats, headbands, lots of Rome decor, home decor (pillows and such), women's accessories (iPhone cases, headbands, hats in winter time) and I plan to expan on this too. :) I'm so so excited!
