Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oh what have I gotten myself into?

Yesterday I signed up for a 12k run due to take place April 15th. Yes, it is less than a month away and I can only run up too 4.5 miles right now. I am admittedly a little nervous. However, I then remember why I did this.

Your Body deserves it. Your body is the most important thing you will ever own. Treat it well. Feed it health, feed it exercise and it will be good to too.

When I am down and missed a work out or even a week of work outs, I have to remind myself why I am doing this. I am doing this for my body, for my children and my husband. You may ask why these are my motivators and I will tell you; My body because it is good to me and I am rewarding it, my children because they deserve a happy active momma and not a slug, my husband who deserves a hot and health wife.

How I am going to treat my body Well today with exercise:
Today I am starting my heavy and intense training for this 12k. I will be running 4.5 miles today!

How I am going to treat my body Well today with food:
My Meal Plan:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon
Lunch: Veggie burger
Snack: Trail mix
Dinner: Green Smoothie
Dessert: a few Carob chips

Here is some motivation for myself, but hopefully you will find it helpful too.





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